STSA1600 Replacement Parts


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43 products

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Lower enclosure straight tube designed for the enclosures of oval trampolines.
Upper enclosure curved tube designed for oval trampolines.
Enclosure Straight Tube (set of 2) 4227Enclosure Straight Tube (set of 2) 4227
Replacement enclosure foam sleeves stacked into two piles. Twelve enclosure foam pieces lying in neat rows.
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Black foam sleeves for enclosure poles. Black foam sleeves to protect upright enclosure poles in a quantity of four.
12 galvanized steel springs with included spring puller.5.5 inch long springs made of weather-resistant galvanized steel.
5.5 inch galvanized steel spring that is rust-resistant and weatherproof.Stack of 12 galvanized steel springs.
The black polyethylene enclosure net is designed for 15-foot round trampolines and 16-foot by 14-foot oval trampolines. The enclosure net has clips for additional security.
Polypropylene jump mat with 96 V-rings designed for 16-foot oval trampoline. 96 V-rings with reinforced stitching for easy jump mat assembly.
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Blue spring pad for 16-foot oval trampoline is folded up. The blue spring pad has black straps to help secure the pad to the trampoline frame.
UV-resistant PVC spring pad to protect children as they climb on and off the trampoline. Green spring pad designed for 16-foot oval trampoline.
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Two green pole caps facing opposite directions. Two green pole caps, one lying on its side.
Pole Cap - Green - Qty 2 Sale price$9 Regular price$10
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Two 1.75-inch purple pole caps. One purple pole cap lying on its side and one purple pole cap sitting straight up.
Pole Cap - Purple - Qty 2 Sale price$9 Regular price$10
Replacement galvanized steel T-socket designed for oval trampolines.
T-Socket Sale price$24
Galvanized steel T-joint designed for oval trampolines.
T-Joint Sale price$22
Main frame top tube piece designed for 16-foot oval trampoline.The oval main frame top tube has a slight curve to it.
Another piece of the main frame designed for 16-foot oval trampolines.Top tube seen from the side so squared end is clearly shown.
J-shaped leg extension is constructed from galvanized steel.
Steel middle leg brace has a slight bend in the center of it.
Middle Leg Brace Sale price$17
Self-tapping screw. View of self-tapping screw lying on its side.
M5x50 mm bolt as seen from the front. Bolt is steel with a black plastic top.
Plastic black end cap for the T-socket. Above view of the plastic end cap.
M4x50 mm bolt for T-joint
M4 sized washer.
M4 Locknut hardware.
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Bronze-colored M8x60mm bolt seen from a side angle.
M8 lock nut standing on its side. M8 lock nut lying flat.
Replacement V-ring. V-ring lying flat.
V-Rings - Qty 12 Sale price$11
Black zipper clip lying flat. Black zipper from another angle.
Zipper Clip Sale price$5
Spring puller to assist during assembly.
Spring Puller Sale price$6
Screwdriver on one side and small wrench sizes on the other side.
Red, yellow, and blue bean bags sitting next to each other. Two yellow, two red, and two blue cloth bean bags.
Red bean bag for trampoline toss games. Red cloth bean bag.
Red Bean Bag Sale price$9
Blue cloth bean bag. Blue bean bag used with trampoline toss games.
Blue Bean Bag Sale price$9
Black side panel for the Kickback net accessory.Close-up shot of a loop on the side of the net.
Replacement red score tag designed for keeping score during toss game. Red score tag has black Velcro on the back of it.
Replacement yellow score tab with black Velcro on it. Yellow score tag designed to help keep track of scores during toss games.
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Storage bag accessory with two pockets attached to the side of the trampoline.
Side view of the Two Pocket Accessory Storage Bag hanging from a trampoline.Front view of the Two Pocket Accessory Storage Bag hanging from the trampoline frame.
Side view of the Three Pocket Accessory Storage Bag hanging from a trampoline.Front view of the Three Pocket Accessory Storage Bag hanging from a trampoline frame.
Premium Spring PullerPremium Spring Puller
Large Grey Pole Cap Kit with Bolts and End Caps (Set of 6) 8049, 1016, 8003Large Grey Pole Cap Kit with Bolts and End Caps (Set of 6) 8049, 1016, 8003
Large Grey Pole Cap Kit with Bolts and End Caps (Set of 2) 8049, 1016, 8003Large Grey Pole Cap Kit with Bolts and End Caps (Set of 2) 8049, 1016, 8003